Thursday 31 December 2020

10 Most Popular Reviews of 2020

What a difficult year for us theatre people, ey? I shan't go into the details of how hard its been for all of us, I think that's pretty clear! But we did manage to get to see SOME theatre, both in-person and online! Here at Pocket Size Theatre, we pulled together our 10 most popular reviews from this past year! Take a look and remember some of the productions that have happened this year, we've had a great time looking back! 

"The score is stunning, Tucker’s vocals stole the show whilst she was supported by a fiercely strong cast... Julian Kelly directed the 11-part orchestra to an exceptional standard, deservingly taking centre stage throughout the performance. Every element of the production was of the highest quality, pulling out all the stops to create an outstanding piece of theatre."

"Ultimately “Next thing you know” highlights the unpredictability of life whilst showing us that even if you’re not on the path you planned it doesn't mean that it’s the wrong path. A thoroughly enjoyable night of much-needed escapism that had me humming the title song the whole way home"

"The show really comes to life when the full company takes to the stage. The orchestra, led by Alfonso Casado Trigo never fails to impress, and without the distraction of a revolve or set changes, we’re able to fully appreciate their talents. Now more than ever, deprived theatre lovers need this kind of music..."

"'s important to laugh and be reminded that we can’t take everything in life so seriously. What is going on in the world is terrible and we must all do our bit too overcome it, but with this safe venue and this show we are able, for a moment, to forget about our troubles and allow ourselves to laugh, guilt-free."

"This musical unfortunately doesn't hit the mark, in a time where we need theatre and with it being one of the few shows that are running at the moment its a disappointment. Maybe if you’re a fan of the film this may be a hit, but for me, it was dull and uninspiring." 

"This is witty, tense and the perfect length for a show that will get your heart racing rather than give you long-lasting nightmares. The production utilises great lighting, sound and other effects to give your senses a real feast."

"The show is compelling from start to finish and has an exceptionally strong cast. From ensemble to lead, the talent on stage is truly brilliant... I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys West End musicals that are dynamic and have an interesting story to tell."

"The cast are a wonderful ensemble and together really do pull off this challenging piece. From flipping characters to quick costume changes, it's seamless and creates a relaxing atmosphere for the audience, even in this uncomfortable weather!" 

"...the overall triumph of this version is the never faltering and highly comic ensemble. Bouncing between pirates, ladies and awkward policemen, it was from the moment they entered as the young women all dressed in white singing Climbing over rocky mountain in a soaring harmony, I didn't want them to leave the stage."
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