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Thursday 31 December 2020

10 Most Popular Reviews of 2020

What a difficult year for us theatre people, ey? I shan't go into the details of how hard its been for all of us, I think that's pretty clear! But we did manage to get to see SOME theatre, both in-person and online! Here at Pocket Size Theatre, we pulled together our 10 most popular reviews from this past year! Take a look and remember some of the productions that have happened this year, we've had a great time looking back! 

"The score is stunning, Tucker’s vocals stole the show whilst she was supported by a fiercely strong cast... Julian Kelly directed the 11-part orchestra to an exceptional standard, deservingly taking centre stage throughout the performance. Every element of the production was of the highest quality, pulling out all the stops to create an outstanding piece of theatre."

Tuesday 1 September 2020

REVIEW: Sleepless: A Musical Romance at the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre

Based on the original screenplay ‘Sleepless in Seattle, a film I have not seen (don’t come for me), this musical adaptation just doesn’t work. We have no need for it in our modern-day society. This may be an ok story to switch on in an evening whilst cooking dinner but as a theatrical experience in 2020, it just doesn’t do anything for us. The romance of the story is lost completely in the production and it doesn’t allow us to escape from our reality enough to forgive that. 

Michael Burdette (Book Writer), Robert Scott (Composer) and Brendan Cull (Lyrics) are the creative team behind the piece, unfortunately, this particular show just doesn’t click into place. The comedy and romance is missed and the music just doesn’t do what we need it to do.  

This show doesn’t have a style, it’s not sure if it’s in the modern era of music with a pop theme, if it’s a more classical musical theatre sound or a Sondheim feel in the score. It's confusing and unfortunately none of it is memorable. Most shows have at least one or two numbers that are staples and you remember walking out of the theatre but this one doesn’t have that, the songs just all mix together into one.  
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