Thursday 1 September 2016

WICKED 10: Simon Hardwick

Firstly, tell us what part you played and what year(s) you were in the company! 
I was Chistery in the original London cast. 

Do you remember seeing WICKED for the first time? When and where was it?
First time I saw it was on Broadway after we opened.

Did you ever think you’d be in the show one day?
I hadn't heard of the show until I was cast in it.

What is your best memory from your time at WICKED?
When we did the sitzprobe while band. It was such an awesome experience hearing that music for the first time.

Tell us one embarrassing story from your time in the show…
Not so much embarrassing but on the first preview, Glindas bubble didn't work for her entrance so I got to do my entrance climbing down the rope and turning the crank twice. That was a pretty cool moment because the energy in the audience doubled with anticipation for the second time.

If you could return to WICKED and play any other character, which would it be and why?
The Wizard. I think he has such a great storyline and some wonderful scenes. 

Do you have a favourite part of the show?
When Chistery grows his wings, I loved swinging around the set and jumping around. 

The WICKED movie has confirmed its release date, is there any famous names you’d like to see in it? 
David Hyde Pierce doing some clever motion capture work as Dillamond would be fantastic.

If you could describe WICKED in less than 5 words, what would they be?
Wonderful show. Fantastic job. 

Follow Simon on Twitter: @SimonLHardwick

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