Thursday 1 September 2016

WICKED 10: Lucy Van Gasse

Firstly, tell us what part you played and what year(s) you were in the company! 
Glinda (standby) 2012-2013. 

Do you remember seeing WICKED for the first time? When and where was it?
I saw it at the Apollo theatre in about 2008/9. 

Did you ever think you’d be in the show one day?
At that time I was working in a hedge fund and didn't think I'd ever be in a musical But I dreamed I would one day be in it and low and behold!

What is your best memory from your time at WICKED?
My first ever performance with fellow standby Hayley Gallivan! We'd joined the cast together and were so excited and we worked so hard and then finally we get to be Glinda and Elphaba together. 

Tell us one embarrassing story from your time in the show…
I mixed up my words in For Good and that was embarrassing but also terrifying with a couple of thousand people watching you!

If you could return to WICKED and play any other character, which would it be and why?
Obviously Elphaba to play the other side of the great friendship, but I also love Nessa's journey and her songs, and the Wizard would be fun too! Maybe one day! 

Do you have a favourite part of the show?
The bit leading into defying gravity was always a favourite because there's so much energy and excitement, and Loathing was good fun too

The WICKED movie has confirmed its release date, is there any famous names you’d like to see in it? 
That's tricky but I'd like to see Idina and Kristin!

If you could describe WICKED in less than 5 words, what would they be?
Magical, awesome, heartfelt.... Green and Pink! 

Follow Lucy on Twitter: @lucyvangasse 

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