Thursday 1 September 2016

WICKED 10: Nadine Cox

Firstly, tell us what part you played and what year(s) you were in the company! 
I played Shen Shen and understudy Madame Morrible in the original London cast for three years. So 2006 to 2009. 

Do you remember seeing WICKED for the first time? When and where was it?
I hadn't seen Wicked. I'd heard the music and seen clips of the show. I was blown away. I thought it was phenomenal. 

Did you ever think you’d be in the show one day?
I honestly didn't think I'd get an audition. I was so thrilled to get the audition and just thought I'll enjoy it and just see what happens. Then I got through more and more rounds. It was the best feeling I've ever had to be offered that job. 

What is your best memory from your time at WICKED?
1st Preview. Without doubt. The overture! Heaven. It was the most thrilling night. When the overture finished and the curtain came up and we were in our opening pose, the audience erupted. I knew how special the show was, but to hear the audience reaction. Wow. The best feeling ever. I'm getting goose bumps thinking about it. 

Tell us one embarrassing story from your time in the show…
I couldn't possibly!

If you could return to WICKED and play any other character, which would it be and why?
I'd always want to play Madame Morrible. 

Do you have a favourite part of the show?
For me there is a moment when in the opening number the ensemble are around the bubble and as Glinda steps out from the bubble for the first time and we're all bowing to her. It's difficult to explain the exact bar, but the harmonies there on "And goodness knows, the wicked lives are lonely",wow. The harmonies there are exquisite. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up now. 

The WICKED movie has confirmed its release date, is there any famous names you’d like to see in it? 
Not really, I can't wait to see it. 

If you could describe WICKED in less than 5 words, what would they be?
Special. Unique. Phenomenal. Inspiring. Heartfelt. 

Follow Nadine on Twitter: @NadineNCCox

Photo Credit:   Claire Newman-Williams
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