Thursday 1 September 2016

WICKED 10: Alexia Khadime

Firstly, tell us what part you played and what year(s) you were in the company! 
Elphaba in 2008 then 2009-2010. 

Do you remember seeing WICKED for the first time? When and where was it?
The first time I saw Wicked I was in Chicago. It was in its early days still and I was visiting a friend who was doing Lion King at the time. I passed the theatre where wicked was playing in Chicago en route to meeting my friend. And decided to buy a ticket for that night. 

Did you ever think you’d be in the show one day?
I didn't. Even after seeing the show I didn't think I would do it. 

What is your best memory from your time at WICKED?
What was awesome was, although being nervous on my first night it was birthday so it was an awesome gift to be a part of such a fantastic show and the cast were just brilliant. 

Tell us one embarrassing story from your time in the show…
I think the funniest story has to be when Desmond Barret was playing the Wizard and something technical went wrong so the Oz head wasn't on/not working so he kicked the side of the part of the set. We tried so hard not to laugh he always had us giggling!

If you could return to WICKED and play any other character, which would it be and why?
Oooo that's a tough question as Elphie was pretty awesome. Do I have to pick? Errrr this is a tough one! They are all really good characters you can really get into. Maybe if it's still running when I'm older Madam Morrible. 

Do you have a favourite part of the show?
I loved doing I'm Not that Girl, No good Deed and loved singing For Good with Diane Pilikington (love her). 

The WICKED movie has confirmed its release date, is there any famous names you’d like to see in it? 
I don't know, it might be quite nice to see new faces. 

If you could describe WICKED in less than 5 words, what would they be?
As what the title is in one word; WICKED! 

Follow Alexia on Twitter: @AlexiaKhadime 

Photo credit: Faye Thomas 
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