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Wednesday 20 June 2018

DREAM CASTING: Frozen the Musical

Alice Fearn as Elsa

Currently starring as Elphaba in Wicked in the West End, Alice has to be the best Elphaba we have ever seen in the shows history. Her portrayal of the role was original and incredibly layered whilst her voice absolutely blew me away! She'd smash this role and 'Let It Go' would be a highlight in the history of the West End

Gina Beck as Anna

After her stunning performance in Show Boat and her heart warming performance in Matilda, we think Gina would be a wonderful Anna. She has the heart and the enthusiasm and we know she'd win everyones hearts over.

Friday 2 February 2018

REVIEW: Eugenius! at the Other Palace

Eugenius follows the story of classic Geek Eugene who has written a comic book that gets turned into a Hollywood blockbuster. But things don’t necessarily go to plan when the Evil Villain in the story turns out to be real and has headed to earth to get his revenge on the lead super hero. 

Yes, it sound cringe as hell! And that's true, it is. But the story isn’t really the most important part here, the feeling you leave with is the important thing. Think Loserville mixed with Flashdance, then you sort of get this! The music (by Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins) is uplifting and catchy, not ground breaking but its a fun score. It would be great to listen to on Spotify. 

The show is a little full on, there's no easing you into it and you're thrown into the deep end but its a lot of fun. This must be remembered when watching the show, its not the next Evita but it most certainly is an enjoyable night.

Friday 28 December 2012

Loserville the Musical: Theatre Review

Loserville is a new musical written by James Bourne and Elliot Davis, the show previously played at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds and ran from the 18thJune to 14thJuly 2012. The musical then announced that it would transfer to the Garrick Theatre in London's West End, opening on the 1stOctober. The show tells the story of 17 Year Old Michael Dork who is obsessed with computers. He and his friends are the losers of the school which is run by the 'popular kids', Eddie and his girlfriend Leia. Then a new girl comes to the school, Holly, who is also a geek. She starts working with Michael on his computer project and she gives Michael the credit he deserves whilst also falling in love with him. It's the classic 'High School Musical' and 'Glee' storyline, very cheesy. I honestly thought I'd hate this show, I added up everything I had heard, all the things I'd seen and the way it had been marketed in my head and that made me have my doubts about the show. However it impressed me!
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