Friday 28 December 2012

Loserville the Musical: Theatre Review

Loserville is a new musical written by James Bourne and Elliot Davis, the show previously played at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds and ran from the 18thJune to 14thJuly 2012. The musical then announced that it would transfer to the Garrick Theatre in London's West End, opening on the 1stOctober. The show tells the story of 17 Year Old Michael Dork who is obsessed with computers. He and his friends are the losers of the school which is run by the 'popular kids', Eddie and his girlfriend Leia. Then a new girl comes to the school, Holly, who is also a geek. She starts working with Michael on his computer project and she gives Michael the credit he deserves whilst also falling in love with him. It's the classic 'High School Musical' and 'Glee' storyline, very cheesy. I honestly thought I'd hate this show, I added up everything I had heard, all the things I'd seen and the way it had been marketed in my head and that made me have my doubts about the show. However it impressed me!

Elliot Davis and James Bourne have done a fantastic job on the book, music and lyrics. For a start it's a totally original show which is an achievement in itself! It's very refreshing to walk into a show and not know anything about it, not to have seen the film or read the book it's based on was something I'm not used to but I loved walking in and not knowing what to expect. The music is very good; however it's not memorable at all. The next day I couldn't remember any of the songs or even the names of the characters. And unfortunately for the writers of this show, that means they've done something wrong. Although it's a good musical and I enjoyed it you have to engrave it on the audience's brain so they remember it and they unfortunately didn't do that.
Something that I was mesmerised by was the set, very hard to describe but I loved the way that school objects were used to create each bit of set and each prop. Francis O' Connor should definitely get some recognition for his work on the show. Nick Winston's choreography was brilliant in the show but at times it felt a bit random and I got bored of some of the routines. It felt very repetitive and there wasn't much variety in the numbers, but then that isn't his fault that's probably because there wasn't much diversity within the score, It was all the same. Aaron Sidwell played Michael Dork in the show and he was perfect for the role, Anne Vosser has done a fantastic job at casting this show. Aaron really carried the show, his energy and presence was exactly what the show and the part needed. Richard Lowe gave a good performance as Lucas, great voice and the role seemed to be made for him. Aaron and Richard really worked well together on stage as the two best friends.
Daniel Buckley and Lil' Chris as Marvin and Francis were also funny additions to the Geek friendship group, however Lil' Chris seemed like he was having a stroke throughout the whole thing. I have no idea what he was doing but he needs to sort that out before he gets taken to hospital by mistake.
Stewart Clarke was perfect for Eddie; he really looked the part and played it fantastically. He also is really hot so that helps a little..... Well, a lot. Eliza Hope Bennett plays the lead Girl Geek in the musical, Holly. She plays it well but the girl who steals the show for me is Charlotte Harwood who plays the Popular Girl Leia Dawkins. Her voice is incredible and although she doesn't look like the typical American High School Popular Girl, she plays it so well that it doesn't matter. By far my favourite thing about the show. The show is fun, it's not a hit but it's well written and entertaining.
Not very memorable and I do feel it would be great as a film but it's worth a trip to the Garrick to see the show, I wouldn't make any special effort but if you get the chance to go then do.
If you're part of the generation who loved High School Musical and Glee when they first came out then you'll love this show, if not then please stay away from the Garrick for a while.

Rating: ***

Loserville played at the Garrick Theatre, closing on the 5th January 2013

Click here for the Official Website

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