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Monday 19 March 2018

INTERVIEW: Bernadette Robinson, star of Songs For Nobodies at Wilton's Music Hall

Tell us a bit about your one-woman show, Songs for Nobodies.

It’s a series of five monologue about five entirely different ‘nobodies.’ Different walks of life, backgrounds etc who have all been touched in some way by their brush with a famous singer.

How did the idea for the show come about? 

I approached both director Simon Phillips and writer Joanna Murray Smith about writing me a one-woman show so I could honour some of the greatest and most diverse icons of song. Joanna came up with the brilliant idea of making it not about the singers but about a series of ‘nobodies’ instead.

You feature so many of the original Divas in your show, who is your favourite to perform?

I have absolutely no favourite! They are all my favourites of specific genres, that’s why I chose them. They are the best in their field.
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