Sunday 16 August 2015


Based on true events, Brute follows the life of Poppy; a 14 year old school girl who has just begun studying at an all-girls school.

Unable to do right from wrong, Poppy makes friends, breaks them, daren’t be too clever, too stupid, too fat nor to thin and Izzy Tennyson morphs herself into the character with terrifying ease.

The opening scenes are a strong vehicle for Tennyson’s talents as a performer and writer, but this strength isn’t maintained throughout, with the production becoming repetitive and the character becoming too Vicky Pollard to sustain the audiences early interest. 

Izzy Tennyson is raw, brilliantly uncoordinated and awkward as the 14 year old school girl and while there is some strong storytelling on show hinting at more to come from this young talent, ultimately Brute runs out of steam.

Review by Andy Edmeads 


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