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Tuesday 5 June 2018

REVIEW: Adam and Eve at the Hope Theatre

The Hope Theatre Islington is one of the small London pub theatres that are severely limited as a space. A black box, with two rows of seats each side and a single entrance to the acting area in one corner. It creates a challenge for the director and actors as it is inevitable that the cast will have their backs to the audience for part of the time.

However this latest offering, Adam and Eve directed by Jennifer Davis rises to this challenge and offers an engaging "Did he do it?" dilemma. Adam is a teacher, Eve an estate agent. They are newlyweds and in love when Nikki, a pupil at school provides the temptation. It must be a familiar situation and Tim Cook's play cleverly unpicks the story so we never sure who is telling the truth. As Eve says, there is no smoke without fire but equally in the #MeToo era the saying “innocent until proved guilty” applies.

Jeannie Dickinson, is excellent as Eve, switching effectively between loving wife, to supportive partner to doubting independent woman. Melissa Parker is Nikki, the clever, sly, scheming pupil who tests the strength of her love. She sees it as a project based on her understanding of the novel Jane Eyre. Lee Knight as Adam is gradually broken down by the unfolding “evidence” from confident denial to a desperate exasperated reflection. 

Sunday 3 September 2017

REVIEW: Adam and Eve at the Jack Studio Theatre

Broken Silence Theatre are bringing a new work to The Jack Studio Theatre a new play written by Award winner Royal Court Young Writer Tim Cook. 

Adam and Eve are a husband and wife torn. We start at the end of the relationship and quickly taken through to how they met, fell in love and then moved to the countryside. Adam is a teacher and is soon accused of abusing a student which leads to a relationship in turmoil. 

This story isn’t the most poignant or impactful and rather domestic for a play that involves such a vital issue. It didn’t feel as if this play took it far enough. It was slightly bland. I wanted to leave hating someone or feeling really upset for one of them but I didn’t. The staging was minimalist and the cast changed the positions of the white boxes to demonstrate setting and passing of time which was effective. This being said I thoroughly enjoyed the performances given. 
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