Sunday 3 September 2017

REVIEW: Adam and Eve at the Jack Studio Theatre

Broken Silence Theatre are bringing a new work to The Jack Studio Theatre a new play written by Award winner Royal Court Young Writer Tim Cook. 

Adam and Eve are a husband and wife torn. We start at the end of the relationship and quickly taken through to how they met, fell in love and then moved to the countryside. Adam is a teacher and is soon accused of abusing a student which leads to a relationship in turmoil. 

This story isn’t the most poignant or impactful and rather domestic for a play that involves such a vital issue. It didn’t feel as if this play took it far enough. It was slightly bland. I wanted to leave hating someone or feeling really upset for one of them but I didn’t. The staging was minimalist and the cast changed the positions of the white boxes to demonstrate setting and passing of time which was effective. This being said I thoroughly enjoyed the performances given. 

Christopher Adams and Jeannie Dickinson play Adam and Eve. Their portrayals are fantastic, with consistent energy throughout. Their relationship is believable and you really do like their chemistry with each other, in jokes of a well developed love trickled through the performance.

Anuschka Rapp who plays Nikki is devious and headstrong, however for me, the portrayal doesn’t come across as Secondary School student with a grudge and more vindictive woman trying to steal someone’s husband, it landed slightly off the mark. 

Cook’s play is rushed, which when handling an issue such as child abuse and the
repercussions of accusations the play doesn’t really ring the point home. There is no doubt there is talent and skill in Tim’s writing, however justice was not delivered in the hour run time. 

Don’t go looking for a meaty play but the opportunity to watch the work from and performed by rising stars. 

Running until the 2nd of September. 

Rating: ★★

By James-Lee Campbell
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