Thursday 25 February 2021

REVIEW: Grimm Tales for Fragile Times & Broken People (Creation Theatre Online)

Creation Theatre presents a set of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales in true macabre style with a talented cast of five in this hour-long spine-chilling storytime. So as recommended, I sat in pitch black and lit my candle (a half-used Pumpkin Spice one from Halloween, rather apropos), and went down the gruesome rabbit hole.

There were five tales told, all in a round, which took a while to understand and settle into. It helped that there were a few that I was already familiar with. All the storytellers kept up their consistently creepy energy throughout, and there were some interesting and unusual camera angles and physical settings which further added to the unsettling vibe. 

While they have taken advantage of the medium of streamed theatre, I do feel this would have worked even better in a promenade or immersive theatrical setting, alas we can only hope they might have the opportunity to try that out soon.

Atmospheric, suitably eerie, and very creepy. If you enjoy unusual, abstract storytelling with an unnerving slant, check it out.

Suitable for ages 12+. This production involves themes of death which may be upsetting to some audience members. 

Review by Jack Morris

Rating: ★★★

Seat: Online  | Price of Ticket: One Device - £20
 Extras Ticket - £16
 Party Room Ticket - £60 (includes 4 device tickets and your own exclusive post-show Party Room)
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