Sunday 15 September 2019

20 Production shots that describe the struggles of being in a Musical | Part 2

Following our overwhelming response to our article last year, we have decided to bring this back! Production Pictures that describe the struggles of being in a musical smashed all of our records last year and we had such fun creating it, so here's another one! We hope you all like it as much as last year and enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. 

Please note, this article is merely light-hearted entertainment. We respect and adore all the performers and shows involved in this and hope that it is viewed in the same way. 

When your co-star's smelly costume gets out of hand and that magic spray can only do so much.

2018 School of Rock cast
When they make you dance with the children.

West End Revival of Annie, 2017
When your co-stars are indulging in the onstage kiss a bit too much.

Original West End cast of 9 to 5
When you gotta hide because you know the Dance Captain is coming for you after they noted the show.

Touring cast of Matilda, 2018
When you find out the Half Term show schedule. 

2018 cast of The Comedy About a Bank Robbery 
When you're really a bass/baritone but they put you on the tenor line.

London cast of Mamma Mia, 2019
When you realise that in-between show Dominos was probably not a good idea

Original West End cast of Waitress 
When the fangirls on the front row keep screaming every time *that* person comes on stage. 

2019 touring cast of Motown 
When you're on for your emergency track and the costume they've put you in is way too tight. 

Les Miserables 2017 cast
When the new follow spot operator can't seem to find you. 

The King and I at the London Palladium, 2018
When you let rip on stage and just wait for your co-stars to smell it.

Original West End cast of Hamilton 
When you're trying to find your cheap friends who could only afford to sit in the Grand Circle.

2017 cast of Aladdin 
 When you fancy the leading man and try and get in his eye line at every point.

2018 cast of Strictly Ballroom 
When you're having to go over the same thing for the 9th time because the 3rd cover can't get it right.

Matilda, 2017 West End Cast
When you have to show affection on stage to your fellow cast member but know their personal hygiene habits.

2018 West End cast of Bat Out of Hell 
 When you spend £50,000 on drama school only to make your professional debut as Grass. 

The Lion King, Lyceum Theatre 
When you spot your Ex in row F of the stalls with their new boyfriend. 

Original West End cast of Strictly Ballroom 
When the confetti cannons go off too early. 

West End Revival of Annie, 2017
When you're in tech and you've written your line changes on all available props.

2018 cast of Mamma Mia in the West End 
 When you realise your costume hasn't been washed in the contract break.

Rock of Ages UK Tour, 2018
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