Sunday 21 July 2019

REVIEW: Hive City Legacy at the Sackler Space, Roundhouse

Activate. Pollinate. Liberate. The slogan of Hive City Legacy sets the standard of a powerful, female dominated show. The cast of nine spoil us with an array of spoken word, dance, circus and song to tell their stories about being stereotyped and facing challenges of being a femme of colour. Returning to London after a successful year of touring, we join them on a journey of acceptance into British culture from being stared down on the tube, going to the office party or addressing serious political issues.

Director Lisa Fa’alafi and Choreographer Yami Löfvenberg have shaped Hive City Legacy into a satirical 75-minute performance that surpasses every expectation. Sabrina Henry’s costume design highlights the individuality of each cast member and compliments their personalities. Every single cast member was giving their all onstage and supporting each other throughout. Their all-encompassing approach to theatre ensures that the truth is being told; they unashamedly share their experiences of mental health and being labelled.

Each story was personal and meaningful, whether it was told comically or in a metaphorical monologue. There was no overall narrative as each scene was devised around a story- a stronger structure may have been more effective than episodic, but it was still one of the most brilliant, noisy, upbeat pieces I have seen.

Hive City Legacy is nothing less than empowering. The audience are invited to celebrate with the cast onstage at the end and it is a wonderful way to end this show. Whenever a group of people unashamedly come forward and open up to an audience, it is courageous. I cannot wait for this Hive to continue creating radical theatre and making an impact on the industry.

Review by Hannah Storey

Rating: ★★★★

Seat: Unreserved |Price of Ticket: £12.50
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