Thursday 1 September 2016

WICKED 10: Joseph Connor

Firstly, tell us what part you played and what year(s) you were in the company! 
I was Ensemble in the Original London cast back in 2006.

Do you remember seeing WICKED for the first time? When and where was it?
I never saw the show before I started rehearsals so I had no clue what the show was about or what I was about to do.

Did you ever think you’d be in the show one day?
I didn't really think I would ever get the show. I went to the first open calls for experience. I was ready to go off to a dance college. So when I got offered the show I was incredibly shocked.

What is your best memory from your time at WICKED?

My best memory of the show was not just one thing; the whole year was a crash course in theatre for me so learning daily from performers I had seen in other shows was the best memory I have. I learnt so much from so many incredible performers!

Tell us one embarrassing story from your time in the show…
Hmm embarrassing stories... I think I embarrassed myself for most of the year! I fell down the trap door as the Lover character and I got caught in the set as the monkey with the note for Elphaba at the end of the show. I left my Elphaba standing shouting my unofficial character name 'History' as I struggled to get out of the branches and twigs. Mortified.

If you could return to WICKED and play any other character, which would it be and why?
I would love to play Boq but I am way too tall and I'm too old (looking) to play Fiyero now but I'd love to give it at least a shot. I always enjoyed Andy Mace's track. Basically Elphaba's father track. So maybe I will return to Oz someday.

Do you have a favourite part of the show?
My favourite part of the show is the last section. When all the loose ends are tied up. The music is so moving. I use to sit on one of the cogs as a monkey and watch the scenes all tie together. The last 'no one Mourns the wicked' gave me goosebumps every time.

The WICKED movie has confirmed its release date, is there any famous names you’d like to see in it? 
With the Wicked movie I would like to see them use Idina and Kristen. I think both would still do a kick ass job. I am very interested to see how they cast the film.

If you could describe WICKED in less than 5 words, what would they be?
Inspirational, funny, thoughtful, creative and of course Green!

Follow Joseph on Twitter: @joe_connor1234

Photo credit: MUG photography
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