Sunday 16 August 2015

EDINBURGH FRINGE REVIEW: Ross & Rachel, Assembly Box

A dark and moving play, Ross and Rachel trials the highs and lows of modern love and a woman’s struggle to forge an identity outside of her relationship status.

Not at all comical or frivolous like the title may suggest, James Fritz’ play is told by just one performer, Molly Vevers, who shines in this production. Blending effortlessly between the husband and wife of this story, she is a captivating and emotional performer who is utterly magical in this tight and tense play.

Simply staged in the Assembly Box venue, the audience are taken on her roller-coaster journey as she attempts to be a good wife, support her dying husband and suppress feelings for “Daniel”.

Ross and Rachel packs a punch with one of the strongest, stand out performances of the Fringe.

Review by Andy Edmeads 


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