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Thursday 13 April 2023

REVIEW: Titanic the Musical at the Mayflower, Southampton

It is 111 years since the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton and sank a few days later on the morning of 15th April 1912 with the loss of over 1500 people. Many families in the City were affected by the event although it often remained an unspoken story in those families for years after. It is therefore very special that this musical based on the event should return to the City to start a new tour in the anniversary week of the tragedy. The emotional connection to the Southampton crew families is drawn out so clearly in the closing scenes as the rescued passengers face the list of names that lost their lives before singing a powerful reprise of the best number in the show "Godspeed Titanic". It provides a climatic conclusion to a production that in this restaging connects with the audience through its storytelling and well-acted characterisations.

The musical was written by Maury Yeston and Peter Stone and won Tony's on Broadway in 1997 but was not staged in the UK until 2013. This production started to great acclaim in the intimate venue of the Southwark Playhouse under the direction Thom Southerland and has grown in this remounting. The Mayflower stage is one of the largest outside the West End, and the sheets of metal and rivets that back the stage and proscenium arch echo the ship and frame the scenes which are mainly depicted by the lighting and some authentic-looking props and furniture. It means the scenes flow seamlessly from one to another and maintain an even pace, or perhaps even speeding up as the ship's speed is increased from 19 knots to 23 knots despite the ice warnings.

Sunday 15 April 2018

REVIEW: Titanic at the Mayflower Southampton

It is 106 years since the Titanic set sail from Southampton and sank a few days later on the morning of 15th April 1912 with the loss of over 1500 people. Many families in the City were affected by the event although it often remained an unspoken story in those families for years after. It is therefore very special that this musical based on the event should open its tour in the City and that emotional connection is drawn out so clearly in the closing scenes as the rescued passengers face the list of names who lost their lives before singing a powerful reprise of the best number in the show "Godspeed Titanic". It provides a climatic conclusion to a production which sadly fails to reach this level in the proceeding two hours.

The musical was written by Maury Yeston and Peter Stone and won Tony's on Broadway in 1997 but was not staged in the UK until 2013 . This production started in 2016 to great acclaim in the intimate venue of Charing Cross Theatre under the direction of its artistic director, Thom Southerland and much of the design and many of the cast has been transferred into this touring show. However the Mayflower stage is one of the largest outside the West End, and deserves a bigger vision and production to fill the stage . The sheets of metal and rivets that back the stage and proscenium arch echo the ship but don't create a real sense of the ship various locations.The first class lounge and state rooms look like the outside decks and the multi purpose steps are overused to try and create the lookout and various staircases and gangways.
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