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  • REVIEW: 42nd Street at the New Victoria Theatre, Woking

    The musical 42nd Street ran for five years at Drury...
  • Wednesday, 24 September 2014

    Simon Callow stars in THE MAN JESUS at New Victoria Theatre, Woking on Wednesday 22 October

    Stalwart of stage and screen Simon Callow performs this fresh and moving account of biblical stories in The Man Jesus coming the New Victoria Theatre, Woking on Wed 22 October.

    This extraordinary play looks back two thousand years to witness key moments in the life of ‘the man Jesus’, through the eyes of the people who knew him.

    Simon Callow, one of Britain's best-loved actors, performs many biblical tales including the raising of Lazarus, the wedding at Cana and the journey to Jerusalem. His powerful portrayal of the tyrants, traitors and madmen in Jesus’ life asks people of all faiths and none: what sort of a man was able to inspire the history of the world? 

    Tuesday, 29 July 2014

    Simon Callow returns to the St. James Theatre to perform in JUVENALIA

    Simon Callow returns to the St. James Theatre following a recent appearance in Great British Musicals in July 2014 to perform in Juvenalia, from Tuesday 26 – Saturday 30 August 2014. Juvenalia, which comes to the St. James Theatre directly from the Edinburgh Festival, is written by Juvenal, adapted by Richard Quick and directed by Simon Stokes. Set design is by Robin Don with lighting design by Chahine Lavroyan.

    Simon Callow does stand-up comedy - filthy, scabrous, politically incorrect – as he lambasts foreigners, plutocrats, women, gays - as last delivered in Rome AD 100.

    Juvenal was one angry white middle class male. In Juvenilia he tells it like it was. And is.
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