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Monday 29 May 2023

REVIEW: Rose at the Ambassadors Theatre

When entering a theatre for a monologue, or one person-performance, I often feel quizzical, with a sense of unease. How can a single human effectively capture and hold an entire audience’s attention for over two hours? The answer, an actor with masterful skill and talent, which is precisely what pours out of the wonderful Dame Maureen Lipman, currently starring in the West End transfer production of ‘Rose’ at the Ambassadors Theatre for a limited run. 

Having starred in an online production of the show early in the pandemic, Lipman is now captivating theatre fans across London with her dynamic portrayal of the title role. The original production of Rose was produced at the National Theatre and on Broadway in 1999.

To date, I was yet to see a monologue that equally enticed and entertained me throughout the entire performance, and Rose certainly didn’t disappoint to deliver on either of these points. 

Friday 16 September 2022

REVIEW: Rose at Park Theatre 200

One of the most significant challenges for any actor is to carry a stage play single-handedly. No cast to support you, no props or special effects to divert the audience; just you, the script and a critical, expectant Joe Public. The actor effectively plays every character in the story; accent and demeanour continually adjusting; nuance and body language to build a mental picture. To hold the attention with confidence and sureness of touch is the trick. In the hands of Dame Maureen Lipman, it looks easy; therein we find the definition of talent - to make something extremely difficult look incredibly easy.

Rose tells the story of a strong Jewish woman born in 1920. With an air of contemporary poignancy, she was born in a Ukrainian village and began an epic journey around Nazi-occupied Europe. It is the worst of times as bombs and bullets rain down. Like many refugees, Rose eventually makes a new life for herself in America. The story in between is a bumpy and chastening ride but no less compelling, as one woman's life becomes a classic 20th Century experience. We start on the eve of the new Millennium as Rose, now a worldly 80 years old recounts a chequered and eventful life.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Grim: a New Musical to play the Rose Theatre and Charing Cross Theatre

Grim: a New Musical which is supported by Judi Dench, Ian McKellen and David Cameron, will transfer from the 900-seater Rose theatre to Charing Cross in Londons West End this August. Grim: a New Musical will also perform for His Royal Highness Prince Edward on the 11th July at The Rose theatre Kingston. 

Grim: a New Musical is the love story to die for. It’s a story about the Grim Reaper falling in love with Cupid but she cannot be with him as she’ll kill him. When she is drawn to someone she takes their soul. Grim cannot be complete without her soul and Cupid cannot be complete without his soul mate. This musical is about the collision of the two most powerful forces in the world - the power of love vs. the power of death with the angel of love falling for the angel of death. Sound-wise, think of Wicked, the Addam's Family and everything Tim Burton-esque and that’s the general tone of Grim.
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