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Monday 10 February 2014

Fuel presents THE ROOF commissioned by LIFT and presented in association with the National Theatre

Tickets go on sale at 6.30pm on Monday 10 February for THE ROOF, the brand new panoramic performance, directed by David Rosenberg (co-founder of Shunt) and Frauke Requardt, their third collaboration following Electric Hotel (also a Fuel production) and Motor Show.
In a purpose-built venue from set designer of the 2012 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony Jon Bausor, audiences for THE ROOF, standing throughout, will experience the breathless mix of 360 degree hair-trigger movement, influenced by free running and set against the skyline of London, with intimate, three dimensional music and sound by Dave Price via individual headphones.
A door opens and an immaculate figure steps out onto a roof. Knives are sharpened and the game begins...
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