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Thursday 17 October 2013

World Premiere of Greg Freemans DOGSTAR at the Tabard Theatre

DOGSTAR will make its world premiere at the Tabard Theatre in West London's Chiswick from November, it will play from Tuesday 12 November to Saturday 30 November @ 7.30 pm.  No performances Sunday or Mondays and tickets are priced at £16 (£14 concessions).
Dogstar stars Ben Warwick in the title role and Laura Pradelska perhaps best known as Quaithe in the hit HBO series Game of Thrones. Laura previously worked with Greg Freeman on Beak Street back in 2010. Rhys King and Jaymes Sygrove also worked with Greg Freeman at the Tabard Theatre in both Doig and No Picnic.

Greg Freeman edited and adapted the only ever successful re-version of an American Sitcom -

Who's The Boss which became The Upper Hand.
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