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  • Thursday, 22 January 2015

    REVIEW: Barnum at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking

    Originally performed on Broadway in 1980 with Jim Dale and Glenn Close, the current touring production of Barnum comes from Cameron Mackintosh and the Chichester Festival Theatre. This production was revived in 2013 and is now touring through till August 2015. 

    Barnum is a bizzare musical, I couldn’t really tell what was going on through out the story as nothing seemed to have any flow to it. Things were popping up here, there and everywhere so I lost track of what was going on. And the wife's death scene? Very confusing! The ensemble numbers, however, were stunning, especially for a touring production! I’m very impressed with how they pulled off this scale production in this kind of theatre, I’ve never seen musical numbers like it on the touring circuit. 
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