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Friday 16 March 2018

REVIEW: Birdsong at New Victoria Theatre, Woking

Birdsong is a tragic war-time tale with love at its heart. Written by Sebastian Faulks, his epic novel takes place primarily on the Western front, France between 1916-1918, with flashbacks to 1910 Amiens, France where the story of Stephen Wraysford is remembered as he meets and falls in love with Isabelle Azaire, a wealthy factory owner’s wife. 

This play is harrowing and emotionally draining (as any good WW1 piece should be). The set was superb – designed to look like the inside wall of a British trench, before magnificently yet simply transforming to underground tunnels, Somme countryside and even a luxury master-bedroom. Director Alastair Whatley (with Charlotte Peters) have done a magnificent job is bringing this stage adaptation by Rachel Wagstaff to life. The underground scenes were very well staged and suitably oppressive. I found myself crooking my neck downwards as if I were underground with the soldiers. Whatley’s job went far beyond Director for Monday night’s performance as he stepped in at last minute to perform the leading role of Stephen Wraysford which must be commended.
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