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    From the first chilling note to the final fiery...
  • Saturday, 4 August 2018

    DREAM CASTING: Hercules the Musical!

    Hercules | Oliver Savile

    Young Hercules | Benjamin Yates 

    Phil | Michael Matus 


    Tuesday, 16 September 2014

    REVIEW: Forbidden Broadway at the Vaudeville Theatre

    Forbidden Broadway basically takes the piss of Broadway and West End shows. I couldn’t think of another way to describe it! But fear not, its not really rude or offensive (well.. it is, but in a funny way!). An edition of the show made its West End premiere in 1999, and on Broadway in 1982. It had a run at the Menier Chocolate Factory back in 2009 and this year returned to the theatre. Its now transferred to the West End and is playing at the Vaudeville Theatre. 

    This show is filled with bold, laugh out loud numbers, from ‘The Show with No Imagination’ to ‘One Note Liza’. Forbidden Broadway is the show that says it how it is, for example I’ve never seen or heard someone sum up Once in a better way! Being, whats seems, one of the very few people that didn’t enjoy the Once in the West End, I absolutely howled at this section. Also, I loved the Matilda/Child Actor section! “My Daddy says I’m a triple threat” has to be one of my favourite lines from the production!

    Monday, 28 July 2014

    FORBIDDEN BROADWAY will transfer to the Vaudeville Theatre for limited engagment

    The Menier Chocolate Factory's production of Forbidden Broadway will transfer to the West End's Vaudeville Theatre for a limited 11-week run from 9 September.
    Three of the cast - Damian Humbley, Anna-Jane Casey and Ben Lewis - will remain with the production, and they will be joined by YouTube star Christina Bianco.
    Bianco, whose latest YouTube video of "Let It Go" has received over 5 million views, has appeared in Forbidden Broadway: Goes to Rehab in New York.
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