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  • Friday, 31 July 2015

    TodayTix, the new way to purchase Theatre Tickets! Plus, £10 off your first purchase!

    TodayTix is a new and exciting mobile app for purchasing theatre tickets, it was founded in 2012 in New York by life-long friends and Broadway Producers Merritt Baer (Romero and Juliet starring Orlando Bloom, Lucky Guy starring Tom Hanks and The Bodyguard) and Brian Fenty. The app launched in 2013 in New York to great acclaim and has just launched here in the UK. 

    We here, at Pocket Size Theatre, didn’t know about the app previously but after having the experience of being invited to book tickets through the application and to attend one of the shows they currently have on sale, we can safely say we will definitely be returning customers! 

    This app is so simple to use, you set up an account, put in your details (including card details) and off you go! The signing up process is one of the easiest I have ever done and the actual booking of the tickets is also one of the simplest I have experienced. 

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