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Sunday 15 April 2018

REVIEW: Twang!! at the Union Theatre

If you know anything about musical theatre history, you’ll know that Twang!! is remembered as one of the most expensive and dramatic West End flops to grace the London stage. Having premiered in London in 1965 it has been updated and tweaked by Julian Woolford and its now a stagey hit that speaks to the 2018 audiences. 

Playing at the pocket-sized Union Theatre, this production has a charm and involvement element to it that no other show has. The constant stagey references may be exhausting to some, but we lapped it up! 

Bryan Hodgson is one of the most exciting upcoming directors at the moment, his work on this show brings it into our century and gives a new life to this Lionel Bart flop, but hopefully it’ll have the opposite affect at the Union as it deserves a successful run.
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