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  • REVIEW: 42nd Street at the New Victoria Theatre, Woking

    The musical 42nd Street ran for five years at Drury...
  • Wednesday, 16 August 2017

    REVIEW: Olympilads at Theatre N16

    Love, financial struggle and mental illness clash in a family drama born by the prolific collaboration between playwright Andrew Maddock and director Niall Phillips. The pair, who received critical acclaim for their previous productions IN/OUT (A Feeling) and HE(ART), confirm with Olympilads a distinctive empathic approach towards real life dilemmas and the impossibility to find an ideal, or even reasonable, solution for them.

    It's the summer 2012 in London. The Olympic Games are on TV all day and for the Londoners, the whole life seem to revolve around this sporting event. Darren (Nebiu Samuel) is training hard to beat Usain Bolt in the Men's 100m Finals. Someone said it can't be done but his father used to believe in him and the young boy knows he must run as fast as he can to win. His sister Abigail (Michelle Barwood) has a grudge against him and sees Darren's detachment from reality as a mere act of selfishness. Their brother Simeon (Rhys Yates) has given up on his private life and works hard to support Darren's dreams and reconcile his estranged siblings. Darren is oblivious to Simeon's efforts, Abigail lacks compassion for Darren and Simeon is tired of keeping it all together.
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