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Saturday 2 March 2019

REVIEW: Ginerline: The Grand Expedition

Gingerline’s Grand Expedition is a fascinating immersive dining experience, hidden in a mysterious space in London. Previously located at a secret venue on the East London London (distinctly ginger), Gingerline have now moved onto the Victoria Line. Although sworn to secrecy on details of the show, I can reveal several elements of how exhilarating this unforgettable evening was. 

Entering in a Tardis-like manner through a tiny door, we were led into the banquet area. The set instantly blew me away and set my imagination running wild for the evening ahead. Each scene took us around the world and the cast gave a phenomenal performance with faultless choreography and masses of energy. They were all incredibly expressive and spectacular at drawing the diners in to participate in dances and short role plays. At no point was anyone pressured into contributing to the performance too much or led out of their comfort zone- often the case in immersive productions.

The illustrations in the film clips were enchanting and hugely enjoyable, however, the narration was too loud and mostly difficult to understand. The journey we were taken on was largely visual and although the voiceover set the scene, it wasn’t necessary for us to understand the story.
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