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Thursday 5 April 2018

REVIEW: The Country Wife at the Southwark Playhouse

The Southwark Playhouse is one of the most welcoming and stylish theatres in London, it holds so much charm and the work they stage is just what we need in a city of commercial theatre. 

Morphic Graffiti brings a re-imagined production of William Wycherley’s The Country Wife to the large space, reset in the world of the 1920’s and the bright young things it brings some interesting, good and not so good, ideas to the table. 

The plays themes are totally relevant in our society today; with the #MeToo campaign really spreading awareness we are shocked in the attitude of some men but celebrate the free attitudes of the ladies in this piece. It’s a story for women of all eras and that’s where the concept of this piece succeeds. 

However, there is something about this interpretation of the play that just doesn’t sit right, the text doesn’t seem to have been adapted well enough to match the concept and I’m not sure the direction really reflects it much either. 
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