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Wednesday 28 June 2023

REVIEW: Tarantino Live at Riverside Studios

If you put all of Tarantino’s biggest hits, some classic 70s rock and 15 musical theatre legends in a big gory blender, you would come out with Tarantino Live. The blood-red concoction you’ve just whipped up packs a punch. It’s strong, it’s spicy, and it’s maybe just a touch too sickly sweet. 

The smashing together of all of Tarantino’s best characters to the music of his iconic soundtracks could have been a car crash, and, to For The Record’s credit, this show was far from that. It bursts with talent, enthusiasm, and fun, and managed to weave an impossible tapestry between each of the great director’s bizarre worlds. 

Alexander Zane firmly set the tone as an MC turned film critic, as he leads the audience through the thick web of lore that the performers must carefully pick their way through. Often an actor will switch characters mid-song, which if you aren’t familiar with all of the films on display is probably quite jarring. 
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