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Monday 13 December 2021

REVIEW: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the Swansea Grand Theatre

Kevin Johns has played pantomime for 29 years and this is his 23rd at the Grand Swansea and that experience and affection from the audience crosses the footlights as this he plays Dame Betty in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He is a wonderful Dame and delivers his lines with a delightful Welsh glee and reminds us of the great Music Hall artists as he holds court centre stage in a series of set-piece routines that have little to do with this traditional pantomime story. 

He is joined on stage in a double act by the impressionist Jon Clegg (who found fame in 2014 Britain’s Got Talent) as Muddles who has his own set-piece routines with excellent impressions of Boris Johnson, Michael McIntyre, Ant and Dec, Rob Bryden, Sarah Millican, Alan Carr, John Bishop and Trump. Each are instantly recognisable and amusing but the material relies on recognition rather than a clever gag. His high energy madcap style keeps the audience engaged in the first half.
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