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Monday 13 May 2019

REVIEW: Little Death Club at the Spiegeltent, Underbelly Festival Southbank

Bernie Dieter’s Little Death Club is a raunchy cabaret, hosted by the ‘gin-soaked’ woman herself. The show has little narrative but is a collection of freakshow- type acts to get the audience laughing, gasping and exhilarated in the versatile Spiegeltent at the Underbelly Festival Southbank. 

The opening song was off to a surprisingly slow start and didn’t represent the rest of the spectacle. Close your eyes and you’ll feel like you’re at a Lady Gaga concert, Dieter and Gaga’s vocal resemblance is uncanny. Dragging men onto the stage (by carrying her), she set the tone with hysterical observations, flashing dick pics and belting out their original songs, all the while not taking herself too seriously. No one in the audience is safe from Dieter and her contagious energy. 
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