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Wednesday 22 September 2021

REVIEW: Heathers at the Sheffield Lyceum Theatre

For many, your school years are the best years of your life. For others it’s a constant battle with teenage angst and the struggle to achieve popularity, but just how far will you go to be popular?

For Veronica Sawyer (May Tether) only one thing can ease the high school struggle, become friends with the top of the social food chain, the Heathers (Maddison Firth, Lizzy Parker, Merryl Ansah). 

The show itself, though laden with understudies for Ram (Callum Connolly), Martha (Bayley Hart) and Veronica (May Tether) was faultless. A special mention to Rachel Rawlinson and Aimee Hodnett who came up from the West End cast to cover their respective roles in the tour. Not a single actor looked out of place and a huge nod to the unsung heroes within the cast ready to jump in when called upon. 
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