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Thursday 8 November 2018

REVIEW: Sexy Laundry at the Tabard Theatre

Michele Riml's play Sexy Laundry was written in 2002 , and has apparently been produced multiple times since in the US, Canada and Eastern Europe but makes its UK premiere at the tiny Tabard Theatre above the pub in Chiswick. It's cultural references date the play as the couple remember Bosley and Charlie's Angels Tv series (1976 to 1981) and Babycham, the seventies sparkling drink but the topic, what happens after twenty five in a marriage to your love life, remains timeless.

Henry, played with the hangdog expression of Walter Matthau by Nick Raggett, works hard and hopes for a job promotion, likes to watch the news for an hour when he gets home and has settled into a routine of conservative sensibility through which he resists change. He has forgotten how to romance her. Alice, played by Felicity Duncan has planned a weekend in room 219 of the L hotel to spice up their life with the Sex for dummies handbook. She recalls that she never used to care how much he chewed, fantasises about sex with two men in a cafe or being on a cruise full of men between 40 and 60. She hopes the weekend will help him relax and loose his inhibitions but he is disturbed by her fantasies. However the romantic intention soon turn to a sort of Jeremy Kyle show and a battle of bickering and shouting at each other.
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