An elderly couple, Barb and Jim wake up on the day of their 50th wedding anniversary. It’s going to be a big day full and love and celebration, however, 50 years is a long time and there are things that would get under anyone's skin after that amount of time. Therefore, it could be excused that, what begins as a day to mark the day Barb and Jim decided to start a life together turns into one where they want to end each other's lives…literally. Featuring bowel movements, prescription drugs, trips to ALDI, trips in general, knife fights and bloody Mary’s with a secret ingredient (think the domestic fluffy kind), this is a delightful farce and in some ways an expose of an honest marriage.
Presented by the Australian company Salvador Dinosaur who are a partnership between the Anniversary’s performers Daniel Tobias (Jim) and Clare Bartholomew (Barb) and director and co-creator Peter Haughton, they have been on the theatre circuit long enough to know how to play the game and this is a physical clowning show as good as they come. The work itself has been in development since 2019 and despite a few COVID interruptions, this unique and hilarious show is being shared with audiences around the world. If you are a fan of clowning/ physical comedy, or better still, if you have never experienced a show like this before, then this is one is for you.