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Wednesday 21 June 2023

REVIEW: Henry I at the Reading Abbey

The ruins of Reading Abbey, in the shadow of Reading Gaol, provide a perfect setting for historical drama. If the walls could talk, they would have some tales to tell, and you can imagine Oscar Wilde peering out of his cell bars into the ruins. Rabble Theatre led by Toby and Dani Davies are based in Reading and are making a habit of telling local stories, so the Life and Times of Henry I (1068-1135), the youngest son of William the Conqueror, who founded the Abbey, and many people believe is buried in the grounds is a perfect fit. Beth Flintoff’s play is a straightforward chronological docu-drama of his life which at times sounds like it is based on Wikipedia. In British history, we have little familiarity with events between the Battle of Hastings in 1066, the accidental death of King William Rufus in 1100 in the New Forest and the foundation of the Abbey in 1121, so the play provides a fascinating insight into political and social challenges in the periods in between.

They describe themselves as presenting “physical theatre” and Flintoff’s structure includes a delightful combination of original medieval chants and music, highly effective dance sequences, immersive elements drawing the audience into the story and clambering up and down the two-level set. The direction by Hal Chambers creates a high-energy, engaging experience with some lovely comical moments and wonderfully choreographed full-on fight scenes. The script does not shy away from the brutality of Medieval England with rape, eye gouging, pushing an enemy off the tower and leprosy depicted. Flintoff adds a feminist perspective with Adele, Countess of Blois, a lovely performance of earnest authority from Amy Conachan who makes the case that females can be rulers but also argues, “men make wars, women make the future”. Henry’s wife Edith played with charm and great stage presence by Georgie Fellows is also depicted as smart, well-educated and a force to be reckoned with. The only time the script falters is when Henry and Edith (also known as Matilda) becomes narrators of their own story to cover a passage of time, although occasionally phrases jump out as too modern like “I’ll write a book about it”, or “Like it, I love it”.
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