By the time you read this review, this year’s production of Cinderella at the Lighthouse Theatre in Poole will have almost finished its run but read on because the same team will be back next year with a production of Aladdin which is a title with more magical business and narrative than most other titles and is sure to be a good show. What does it take to be a great pantomime and why is the Poole team so effective?
Firstly, it needs a writer and director who understands both his audience and the genre and brings a wealth of experience in appearing and producing shows. In Chris Jarvis who is in his fourth pantomime at the venue and who has almost thirty on Children's TV, the venue is lucky to have such experience at the heart of the production. The essential story beats must be part of the show, in the case of Cinderella (played by Charlotte Wood) when she first meets the Prince (played by Tyger Drew-Honey) in the woods, the invitation tearing scene with the Ugly sisters, Buttons trying to cheer her up with a nine-carrot necklace, the clock striking midnight and the slipper trying on scene. At Poole, all were present and delivered with charm in keeping with the traditions of the show.