This magical show opened in July 2016 and has had sold-out notices outside the Palace Theatre ever since and on 13th October 2022 launched its sixth cast. While some principals have stayed on it is perhaps the biggest cast renewal they have undergone, and I am delighted to report that none of the magic has been lost. Indeed, the show has continued to evolve and improve and is now the only venue in the world where you can see the two-part version, and this is likely to remain the case. As the one Part version was launched worldwide, many of the adjustments have fed back into the London version and the result is a tighter narrative and slicker show which still engages you fully throughout the two parts.
The central theme of father and son relationships remains as strong as ever but there are new developments for Albus and Scorpius which freshen up the narrative. As expected, the magic and illusions remain outstanding and, we love the references to the story and characters films and books in this stage version but what now shines are the performances and acting which bring an emotional heart to the show and make every parent tingle at the thought of a relationship with their children as they watch Albus, Scorpius and Delphi seeking to understand and have a relationship with their fathers. Are we all blinded by love?