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  • Monday, 8 September 2014

    REVIEW: Tess of the D'Urbervilles at the New Wimbledon Studio

    A literary classic by Thomas Hardy, 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles' has received a musical adaptation from the writing and directing duo behind the recent production of 'Bel Ami' at the Charing Cross Theatre, writer Alex Loveless and director Chris Loveless.

    The source material is by no means an easy ride; the novel documents the series of misfortunes and wrongs endured by Tess, a simple country girl. Her father hears tell of his families ancient lineage, how their surname 'Durbeyfield' is a corruption of the noble 'D'Urberville', and along with his wife encourages his daughter to claim kin with a nearby strain of D'Urbervilles. This sets her down a road from which there is no returning, and largely at the hands of men she is continually wronged. 
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