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Wednesday 11 November 2020

INTERVIEW: Jack Hinton, presenting his one-man Concert THE BAGGY TROUSERS CONCERT at Above The Stag

Jack Hinton is presenting his own one-man show 'The Baggy Trousers Concert' at Above The Stag on the 3rd December 2020, he will also be streaming it later that month online. In 2019, whilst out in Germany rehearsing for Starlight Express, welsh musical theatre performer Jack Hinton was diagnosed with testicular cancer. In this concert, he will share his experience of his battle with cancer and mental health, telling all about how he got back on his feet (well, in a pair of roller skates) on the Starlight Express stage 2 weeks after his surgery. Through an array of musical theatre, pop and Christmas songs, performed alongside the fabulous Ben Papworth on piano, you can be sure for a unique and heartfelt extravaganza taking place for one night only at the Above The Stag Theatre.  

You will be performing your first one-man show at Above The Stag on the 3rd December, ‘The Baggy Trousers Concert’ tells the story of your cancer journey through an array of musical theatre and pop songs. What inspired the idea to create this show and tell your story in this way?

2020 have been a bleak and testing year for everyone! I left 2019 certain that 2020 would be a better year- LOLS! Especially given the lack of theatre we have had this year; I put one and one together and came up with the idea of sharing something I struggled with; with hope it would resonate with others. Of course the show is to raise money and awareness on testicular cancer and the charity Baggy Trousers, but the sentiment of the show is for anyone to watch and feel like they can celebrate whatever they have gone through as well. My hope is by telling my story, it will help others whether they’ve been fighting/fought the same battle as me or have fought a different battle in celebrating their strength and feeling proud of what they’ve overcome. And the best way I can do that is, of course, is through theatre! 

You were diagnosed with testicular cancer whilst out in Germany performing in Starlight Express, What was it like receiving this news whilst not only having to focus on your job but also whilst being in a different country? 

When you get told something like that, nothing else around you really exists and your only focus is facing it head-on. You kind of automatically resort to tunnel vision and everything also around you is just black. Though there was an obvious language barrier between myself and the doctor’s, I felt very lucky with the amazing healthcare out there and am so grateful to have received the amazing treatment I did- and so quickly! On top of this, I was also doing what I loved and was working with the most wonderful cast. 
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