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Friday 19 January 2018

Who to watch out for in 2018

Hello Pocketers!

What a year we have had! 2017 has seen some great theatre over the year. La Strada was beautiful, Toxic Avenger - Hilarious, Evita… received mixed reviews; but there are some people who are so intricate to these performances that without them, we wouldn’t have had the shows we did this year; the rising talent.

So this is a little homage to them and those we should be watching out for in the new year to come from all of the shows we have seen. Teaming up with a couple of the other reviewers we’ve ben able to put together a list of those who have stood out in 2017.

Friday 6 October 2017

REVIEW: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the The Greenwich Theatre

Nick Lane is the next in line to take the beast that is Jekyll and Hyde. The Stage had named his previous adaptation as ‘one of the best regional theatre productions in the UK’ when it was last performed. Awaiting the audience is a simple set contorted by shadows towering over the four chairs which stood empty on the stage; already an ominous atmosphere settles across the stage like the calm before a storm. 

Balancing between 4th wall breaking narration and living in the moment the interest of the audience doesn’t wane. In fact it’s the opposite; the audience grip on to every word spoken by the small troupe of players skirting the boards. There’s only four of them but the amount of characters played you’d think it was a company of ten. There is a real storyteller feel to this piece and each glance, sentence and movement is multilayered and deep. You can see a real synergy between actors, piece and director. 
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