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Tuesday 8 February 2022

REVIEW: Into the Night by Original Theatre

How do you tell the story of a tragic Cornish maritime disaster to a new audience which honours the lives lost, is sensitive to the feelings of those left behind, captures the bravery of those who follow those lost at sea and creates a drama that is engaging for the viewer who already know the outcome of the disaster? If you also plan to stage this on the 40th anniversary of the disaster in the middle of a global pandemic when plan B lockdown has been implemented, it creates an extraordinary challenge to everyone involved.  

Original Theatre seem to have grasped the creative nettle and over the last few years produced some fascinating hybrid works part live theatre, part cinema, part streamed story telling. With each production you can see how they have learned from their experimentation and innovation. This latest piece is an eighty-minute docudrama, Into the Night, captured for streaming on a first run through technical rehearsal on 17th December 2021 and is well worth watching before it stops on 20th February.
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