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  • Sunday, 20 June 2021

    REVIEW: Doctor Who: Time Fracture at ImmersiveLdn / UNIT HQ

    Immersive Everywhere have created the world of Doctor Who under the pavements of the West End. Located near Bond Street, Time Fracture is the latest project from a cultural institution; the most famous time-traveller in history! 

    Before I delve into this review, I feel the need to make a few disclaimers: 

    Firstly, I am a massive nerd and very proud of the fact. I have been a Doctor Who (and Torchwood… and Sarah Jane Adventures… and Class) fan since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. So I make absolutely no apologies for being utterly awe-struck by this production. Secondly, I will follow in River’s footsteps (you were warned in the first disclaimer!) and avoid spoilers. With that in mind, I may end up talking in riddles slightly! 

    The immersive experience begins from the moment you’ve had your temperature taken outside UNIT HQ. UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce) soldiers are there to ‘greet’ us before we are ushered inside and given a briefing by their boss. We are told that we are volunteers, recommended by The Doctor, who have come to save all of time and space. A bomb was dropped during the blitz and it has created fractures in time which we are here to investigate and, hopefully, fix. As we stepped out of the briefing room and into the beating, beeping, whirring heart of UNIT, I was blown away by the production values. The huge room is kitted out like a mission control centre at NASA. We are passed around various lab-coated doctors and given more information about the time fracture. Eventually, we plucky scientists are thrust through the fracture and end up in some remarkable worlds. 
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