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Tuesday 16 June 2020

Spotlight On: Fable Workshop

These recent times have been some of the hardest challenges we've faced and as a community, it hit us pretty hard. However during these difficult times, here at Pocket Size Theatre, we wanted to spread a little positivity and celebrate the work that people are still managing to generate during these difficult times. In this ‘Spotlight On’ series, we'll be speaking to our friends in the industry to share what they are up to during these challenging times and how you can be involved.

Let's stick together, share the love and get through this as a community!

Here we caught up with Sean Hollands (Director, Movement Director, Frantic Assembly Practitioner & 2016 Bryan Forbes Award winner) to talk about his company Fable and everything they are up to during this stage time.

Can you give us a little intro into who Fable are and what you do?

Fable Workshop is a company made for people to collaborate and make work together. We want to make stories first and foremost, and in that way, we try not to tie ourselves too tightly to any particular form. We are young but I’m keen for us not to have any particular “style”. I want the company to be known for pushing boundaries by working with innovative creatives. We want to be mainstream and experimental. We currently have a VR piece in the works, as well as a “traditional” play, and an immersive production. We are trying lots of things with lots of different people. I called the company Fable Workshop because I wanted the company to make stories, that are developed through building, study, and excavation of exciting ideas. It’s my own little story building factory!

What made you want to start Fable?

Collaboration has always been at the heart of everything I have ever done in theatre, and in that time I have worked some incredible creatives. I lost count of how many times I would discuss projects with people, only for us to fall at the first hurdle, how do we actually go about doing it? For me starting Fable was the first step in being able to make the projects I am passionate about. However, I want it to be a company where others can make their own work as well. I am not putting myself forward as the director for everything that Fable makes. I want to use the company as a platform to shout out about the projects I find exciting. In that way, I guess it’s a little bit like selfish collaboration. I collaborate because I want to see something, or learn from something, in that way I would call it selfish. I just want to see great stuff! Fable exists to put talented, creative and amazing people together.
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