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    After their hugely successful run on Broadway at...
  • Sunday, 9 September 2018

    REVIEW: Eugenius! at The Other Palace

    Can a person make a living by working in a creative job? According to Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins's new musicalEugenius!yes, as long as one works hard and keeps believing. 

    It's the year 1988 and Eugene (Rob Houchen) is a geeky schoolboy who dreams every night about his favourite super-hero, Tough Man. A superfan of comics, he sketches scenes of Tough Man's life on a scrapbook, hoping one day to become famous for his strips. His best friends Janey (Laura Baldwin) and Feris (Daniel Buckley) believe in his talent too and, when the opportunity to shine in front of a Hollywood producer arises, their support is crucial. 

    Of course, the reality of the film industry is much less glamorous than what had seemed and, when experiencing it first hand, Eugene is compelled to review his life priorities. Furthermore, the evil that he thought was only a product of his imagination, turns out to be a real challenge for him and his friends.

    Friday, 2 February 2018

    REVIEW: Eugenius! at the Other Palace

    Eugenius follows the story of classic Geek Eugene who has written a comic book that gets turned into a Hollywood blockbuster. But things don’t necessarily go to plan when the Evil Villain in the story turns out to be real and has headed to earth to get his revenge on the lead super hero. 

    Yes, it sound cringe as hell! And that's true, it is. But the story isn’t really the most important part here, the feeling you leave with is the important thing. Think Loserville mixed with Flashdance, then you sort of get this! The music (by Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins) is uplifting and catchy, not ground breaking but its a fun score. It would be great to listen to on Spotify. 

    The show is a little full on, there's no easing you into it and you're thrown into the deep end but its a lot of fun. This must be remembered when watching the show, its not the next Evita but it most certainly is an enjoyable night.

    Tuesday, 16 January 2018

    Pocket Size Picks: 12 Shows to look forward to in 2018!

    Little Shop of Horrors at Regent's Park, Open Air Theatre

    From 3rd August to 15th September 

    Chess at the London Coliseum 

    From 26th April to 2nd June 

    Tickets from £18!
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