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Saturday 29 January 2022

REVIEW: Doubt at the Chichester Festival Theatre

Doubt by John Patrick Shanley, is a story about that- what happens when we look behind the hard outer layer of something and you let yourself listen to doubt? This play inspires provocation in its questions and as an audience you leave asking them. Who do you believe? Who is in the right? What do I believe? The list goes on. 

Amongst the austere setting of the church and the (unfortunately) familiar story of a suspect male priest is subtle, comments on a women’s role within the Catholic church and how in the pursuit of fundamentally an honest intention they are painted as wrong or evil. 

The epitome of this is portrayed by Monica Dolan as Sister Aloysius Beauvier, who's quick whit is brilliantly executed through her enduring and berating pursuit of the truth. Its quite heart breaking to see someone do the right thing, while the whole time being questioned as to weather it is the right thing to be doing, and indeed while others around you are manipulated or persuaded in to having doubts towards your intentions. 
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