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Thursday 21 June 2018

REVIEW: Daisy Pulls it Off at the Charing Cross Theatre

Usually, when I see an invitation to an actor musician show in the inbox I dread answering it due to seeing so many lazy and unfitting productions who try to pull this style off. Within this production it’s stunningly staged and cleverly used by Phyllida Crowley-Smith who is responsible for the musical staging, I just wanted more! There were many moments they laid all their cards on the table and the instruments were bare with the cast on stage; this was beautiful, and the talents of the cast were showcased immensely. However I craved more! So much music was used throughout, but I wanted to see it, it was as if they were teasing us. With the style it’s so much nicer to actually see it rather than it be hid, especially after dangling it in front of us. 

It’s hard to believe this production has been picked up straight from a drama school showcase; yes, it is a young cast but they play it with an energy and maturity that is what we desire when seeing a professionally produced show, which is somewhat lacking in some bigger commercial shows we’re seeing around at the moment. So, to see this enthusiasm is refreshing and fulfils my desire to see people enjoying themselves and playing on stage. 
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