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Thursday 27 December 2018

Pocket Size Theatre: Top 10 Best shows of 2018!

Theatre in 2018 has been incredible! We're ending the year in a strange place, lots of long running shows closing but also lots of exciting shows coming up! Click here to see a list of shows we're looking forward too. We reflect, with our incredible team, on some of the best shows of the year. Take a look!

Six at the Arts Theatre

"Hamilton may be in trouble, theres new girls on the block and they've come to steal your fans. The music will be stuck in your head for days and this has to be one of the hottest shows of 2018. Get your tickets now, however I suspect we’ll see the return of this show to London very soon."

Six returns to the Arts Theatre from the 16th January after completing a sold out run at the Arts Theatre and a successful UK tour.

Julius Caesar at The Bridge Theatre

"An absolute must-see for those who perhaps don't know Shakespeare as well as they should as it brings his historical text stampeding into the modern day and for those who know it like the back of their hand: it's new, vibrant and will be unlike any other retelling you've seen before. Shakespearean perfection."

Julius Caesar played the Bridge Theatre form January through to April with a National Theatre Live broadcast in March.


Sunday 26 August 2018

REVIEW: Copenhagen at the Chichester Festival Theatre

Having just returned from a cruise that took us to Elsinore in Denmark and the Neuemgamme Nazi forced labour camp memorial site near Hamburg where many dissident German and Danes were killed by excessive work and starvation between 1938 and 1945, there was a real poignancy and context to this first theatre visit on return to see Copenhagen at Chichester.

It is 1941 and the German Physicist Werner Heisenberg has returned to see his mentor and father like figure the Danish Jew Niels Bohr . Both are working on nuclear fission and both know that this could create a nuclear bomb for their masters. There are conflicting recollections on this real life meeting which Michael Frayn first explored in this play in 1998 and although more evidence has come to light since then there is no major revision to the text for this revival . They recall their first work together from 1924 and 1927 and their long walk to Elsinore castle but the world has changed since then with Nazi's in control of much of Europe and Heisenberg now Professor at Leipzig. Both know they are being spied on and live in fear of the Labour camps.
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