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Wednesday 21 November 2018

INTERVIEW: Christina Bennington, star of Bat Out of Hell

Christina can currently be seen in the lead role of Raven in Bat Out of Hell at the Dominion Theatre, a role she originated and has also played at the Manchester Opera House, the London Coliseum and in Toronto. She will be playing two solo concerts at the Crazy Coqs on the 7th January just two days after closing in Bat out of Hell. Her other credits include Pearl in Starlight Express (The Other Palace), Johanna Barker in Sweeney Todd (Derby/Mercury Theatre Colchester), Kim/cover Magnolia in Show Boat (New London Theatre), Marlene Hardcastle in The Smallest Show on Earth (UK Tour), cover Laurey in Oklahoma! (UK Tour), Sharon in Finian’s Rainbow (Charing Cross Theatre) and Marilyn/Sovereign in A Christmas Carol (Birmingham Repertory Theatre). 

Can you tell us a little about your experiences at Bat Out of Hell in the last few weeks? Halloween must have been quite the occasion! And how much did you enjoy the Sing-Along evenings? Hearing 1000+ people belting the songs back must have been pretty special?

There’s never a dull day at Bat! Our Singalongs have been a wonderful discovery. I was nervous about them but hearing 1000+ people singing along is very moving. It’s a vulnerable and exposing thing to sing in front of others and we’re so grateful for people putting themselves out there. Halloween had a particularly electric atmosphere. The sheer wall of sound from the audience was wild! It was also rather surreal looking out at a whole audience dressed in full costume - felt like they should’ve been on stage with us!

You’ve now played opposite 6 different Strats during your time as Raven. Do you have any subtle changes you make dependant on the actor that the audience might not even notice?

Playing opposite 6 Strats has been an amazing learning curve. I act with 3 Strats a week regularly, which means I have to be very flexible as that means 3 very different shows. For my Raven to be a match made in heaven for their Strat, my character naturally changes. There are other challenges too - as I always do all 8 shows a week, I have to pace myself and be prepared for Strat to be more rested and have more in the tank vocally. I have to remember that I don’t have those downtimes to recover, and use technique to stay solid and match their energy. Right now I’d say my show with Jordan requires an earnest rebel Raven, Simon a cheeky, feisty one and Barney a playful but dangerous one.

Monday 11 September 2017


The Other Palace is set to do a concert-style workshop performances of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical STARLIGHT EXPRESS, in The Theatre at The Other Palace.

Members of the original creative team of STARLIGHT EXPRESS will collaborate again, along with a group of carefully chosen actors and musicians to explore the piece. Focussing on the score and lyrics, and working for a week before the public showings, Andrew and the team will continue to work on the show in the daytime before evening performances, responding to audience reaction and feedback as they navigate the exciting process of revisiting this classic work.

The cast includes Christina Bennington (Pearl), George Ure (Rusty), Oliver Tompsett (Greaseball), Liam Tamne (Electra), Patrick Sullivan (Caboose), Natalie McQeen (Dinah) Sabrina Aloueche (Belle), Laila Zaidi (Tassita), Mica Paris (Mamma, formerly Papa), Anthony Selwyn, Michael James Stewart, Parisa Shahmir, Jamal Andreas, Carl Man & Divine Cresswell with Jude Harper-Wrobel as Control.
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